27 weeks

27 weeks - wow! I'm a little confused about where I fall in my trimesters because some of the calculators say I should have started my 3rd trimester this Monday at 26.6 weeks and some say it starts with week 28. I'm erring on the later side and will recognize the start of my 3rd trimester (what?!) next Wednesday.  

Baby Riedel is the size of a rutabaga (13.6-14.8 in / 1.5-2.5 lb) and is busy growing, mostly fattening up, as his length prediction (on my apps) has been stagnant for the past couple weeks. He's showing brain activity and practicing inhaling & exhaling. Busy little guy!

goodbye toes, hello 27 weeks!

How far along:  27 weeks
  • Maternity clothes: New dress for my shower & jeans, both from ASOS (I love that site!)
  • Symptoms: Felt my first Braxton Hicks contractions this past week. Low back pain, sore hips & shoulders (I think this is from sleeping on my side). RLP and pressure on my sides. 
  • Sleep: Its getting tougher and tougher to get a solid night's sleep. Between waking up 3-4 times to go to the bathroom and tossing and turning (even my snooggle isn't helping) its been pretty disruptive. I guess that's just training for my body to get used to not sleeping for long periods of time. 
  • Best moment(s) this week: Spending last weekend in Carmel/Monterey w/family and a pedicure "date" with w/my BF last night 
  • Movement: Yes, lots! Love it! Its pretty obvious now - Adam can not only feel it but clearly see it (he's totally fascinated). 
  • Cravings/Aversions: nothing this week
  • Happy or moody most of the time: Very happy 
  • Looking forward to: Lots! Dave Matthews concert this Friday (baby's first concert), my shower next week and our brief Babymoon in September (in the works)
As I mentioned, we spent last weekend in Carmel/Monterey. It was such a beautiful weekend down there! Here are a few pics from the weekend ...

checking out the Concourse cars downtown Carmel
Adam playing with my parents dog
