Change ... LOTS of it

Where do I even begin? Since my last post here's how much life has changed...

  1. We sold our house and moved from Pleasanton (Sep 2016)
  2. We moved back to the Monterey Peninsula (PG to be exact) and rented a sweet little house by the beach 
  3. Wesley turned 2! 
  4. The company I had worked for, for 7 years made some poor financial decisions and I was laid off 
  5. I then decided to do what I've always wanted; to be a stay-at-home Mom
  6. Found out we were pregnant with a little sister for Wesley (due Nov 2017) - "fun" fact: I found out I was pregnant the same week I found out I was being laid off. Timing is everything and everything really does happen for a reason
  7. Wesley started preschool 
  8. We moved out of our PG rental (after 10 months) and bought our second home in Del Rey Oaks/Monterey, just in time to settle in and nest before baby girl arrives
When I list it out like that, it doesn't seem like much but it definitely has felt busy ;)
