14 week review

Again, I'm a little late with this post ...

How far along? 14 weeks
  • Maternity clothes: Just ordered a pair of shorts which I'm excited for since we're supposed to be in the 90's all week. 
  • Symptoms: Some headaches but generally feeling pretty great! My energy is back for the most part and I haven't had any nausea (knock on wood) recently and my appetite is pretty much back to normal. Finally.
  • Sleep: Had a couple really restless nights but other than that its been better, thanks to my Snoogle on loan from Anna (thank you!!)
  • Best moment(s) this week: Tuesday b/c it was Adam's birthday and Friday b/c we both took the day off and headed to Tahoe to celebrate Adam's birthday :)
  • Movement: None that I can feel but I hear it could be anytime in the next couple weeks and I can't wait!
  • Cravings/Aversions: Not much changed here. Craving: nothing really strong enough to call a "craving" but I still can't get enough fruit. We stopped at Ikeda's on our way back from Tahoe to stock up / Aversions: still steak (including burgers) - blah!
  • Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! ... but I did snap a couple times out of the blue - kind of freaked myself out.
  • Looking forward to: My next appointment on Wednesday - any chance to see the baby is a good day in my book :)
fruit loot from Ikeda's - cherries, peaches and plums
