13 week review

How far along? 13 weeks
  • Maternity clothes: Nothing new but my new bathing suits came in - yay!
  • Symptoms: A couple bouts of nausea this week but nothing terrible and a couple headaches but more than anything I have been exhausted this week. Yesterday especially, I couldn't even get out of my own way. I spent most of the day napping by the pool. 
  • Sleep: Had a couple really restless nights but other than that its been better.
  • Best moment(s) this week: Wednesday b/c of our NT scan and Thursday b/c I told my team!  It was kind of funny b/c they all thought I was joking at first. Surprise!
  • Movement: None that I can feel.
  • Cravings/Aversions: Same. Craving: nothing really strong enough to call a "craving" but I still can't get enough fruit, especially peaches / Aversions: steak (including burgers) is still a no-go.
  • Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!
  • Looking forward to: Tahoe next weekend to celebrate Adam's birthday!
