11 months

How can it be only 1 month until Wesley is a year old?!?!? It saddens me and excites me all at the same time. I'm having mixed feelings about this milestone but trying to look positively toward the fun future ahead. Wesley's personality has really blossomed over the last month and he's becoming more of a little boy and less of a baby everyday. He is really active and while he wants nothing more than to stand all.the.time. he's not so sure about walking while holding onto my hands but will walk holding onto a table, railing, etc. On one hand I can picture him walking tomorrow and on the other, it wouldn't surprise me if he takes his time.

He is about 28 inches (maybe 28.5") tall and weighs 18lbs (I think I over estimated on last month's post some but he has lost some weight because he's always on the move). He has 6 teeth and loves Cheerios, avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas, tofu, beans, blueberries and cheese. He'll try anything once. He can wave and high five. He says "mama", "dad" (or "dada"), "go", and "ah ah ah" (thats what we used unintentionally instead of "no").  He loves playing with coasters and his wooden truck and car. He seems to have endless energy but still gives the best hugs and sometimes just wants to be held for as long as my arms can hold him (I hope this never changes). He loves to be tossed in the air and to ride on Adam's shoulders. Each day my heart grows fuller with love for this little boy and I wish I could spend all day (everyday) with him. I'm looking forward to watching him grow even more.


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