1 week old

Our first week as a family has flown by and tomorrow marks the first day for Wesley and I to be on our own ... Adam's going back to work. I am confident that we will okay (albeit not as put together or spoiled as we have been) but we are really going to miss him :(  Luckily its a Friday so we only have to be without him for 1 day before we have him back for 2 whole days - yay!

We've had so many nice visitors who have brought us breakfasts, lunches, dinners and festive Christmas decor over the week, for which we are so grateful. Adam has been a saint taking care of both Wesley and I. Unfortunately I spent the first 6 days with a terrible headache caused by the epidural. It was challenging and unbearable at times but today I went back in for a Blood Patch procedure and while that left me with a backache (only temporary), it did clear up the headache (hopefully for good) and I'm finally not in pain and don't feel like zombie. 

Over this past week we've made a lot of new parent "whoopsies" and found ourselves cracking up over Wesley's facial expressions, many noises and our mistakes. It's been exhausting at times but we wouldn't trade it for the world and can't imagine life without him now. 

Here are a few pictures from our first week...
our first family picture
brand new
happy and proud Daddy

a gift from the hospital

the first car ride, home .. thank god I wasn't driving

faces of exhaustion
Auntie Kenzie came up to meet Wesley
taking advantage of the break in the rain

love his yawns
"check out my belly button!"


  1. Can't wait to see you all again (and to hold little Wesley)


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