31 weeks

In the last week or so, its become very evident how pregnant I really am. I am feeling quite large (I know, I know, its going to get much bigger) and bending over isn't just getting too hard to do but its painful as well! Moving around in general is getting pretty challenging and I've gotten pretty good at rolling to get into or out of positions. 

I've noticed a definite drop in my energy level in this last week and am often out of breath because my lungs are so crowded - kicks in the ribs don't help either. Also its been pretty funny how many strangers have made comments about my belly. Most people know that its a boy right off the bat and say to me, "Boy?" before they even ask how far along. I was told by one lady that I'm "text book" for a boy bump - whatever that means?! 

All of that said though, I'm chalking up the discomfort to a growing, healthy baby boy and taking it all in stride ... one uncomfortable step at a time ;)  We'll get a peak at him next Monday to check his position and the position of the placenta (fingers crossed that it moved).  I can't wait to see him again - its been 12 weeks!!

he sure feels that big :)

How far along:  31 weeks
  • Maternity clothes: Nothing new since the dress I ordered last week (in pic)
  • Symptoms: Growing pains, Braxton Hicks contractions, heartburn, sore hips and back, major drop in energy level, shortness of breath,  pain in my belly (like my skin is too tight - I'm hoping this means its time for a growth spurt)
  • Sleep: Still not good
  • Best moment(s) this week: Ordering the glider for the nursery - yay!  It was the last major piece we needed. Now I only have to wait ~ 8wks...
  • Movement: Tons!
  • Cravings/Aversions: Been craving apple sauce, especially with cinnamon :)
  • Happy or moody most of the time: Very happy 
  • Looking forward to: Getting the glider! Harper's 3rd bday on Sat. The Lafayette Art & Wine festival is also this weekend and I can't wait. Even though I can't take part in the "wine" aspect, its still one of my favorite festivals and I'm looking forward to it. Our ultrasound on Monday! Newborn class and our hospital tour next week as well. Lastly, our babymoon next weekend :)
