10 to go!

30 weeks today - holy cow! Hard to believe that in 10 weeks (give or take) we'll be meeting our little guy. I can't wait! Here's a little comparison for you...


I'm definitely starting to feel bigger and getting more uncomfortable (I know this will get worse). I'm slowing down and finding that my energy levels start to take a dive around 4pm and I'm pretty useless in the activity department.  While I'm still trying to stay active in some form, I am also trying to listen to my body and relax when I can. 

Belly button is actually flattening out

This week Baby R's skin is getting smoother but his brain is getting wrinklier (all of that brain tissue). Also, he's now strong enough to grasp a finger (aw!). 

How far along:  30 weeks
  • Maternity clothes: Dresses are very comfortable right now (especially since its still in the 90's here) so I ordered another dress but I'm thinking I'm going to need to start looking at real fall clothing, once the seasons actually change
  • Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions, heartburn, sore hips and back, drop in energy level, shortness of breath
  • Sleep: A constant struggle...
  • Best moment(s) this week: Finishing the crib and dresser for the nursery, deciding on a glider, and dinner out with my best friend last night
  • Movement: Yep and I love it!
  • Cravings/Aversions: I was craving a soft pretzel earlier in the week...
  • Happy or moody most of the time: Very happy 
  • Looking forward to: This coming weekend Adam is heading down to San Diego for Loren's bachelor party so I will have lots of time to do some "busy work" in the nursery and around the house which I'm looking forward to (can you say, nesting?) 
